$ brew install direnv Updating Homebrew... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 2 taps (jlhonora/lsusb and homebrew/core). ==> New Formulae aarch64-elf-binutils feroxbuster libxaw rbtools aarch64-elf-gcc fetch libxaw3d rbw abi-compliance-checker ffmpeg@4 libxcb rdkit abi-dumper fheroes2 libxcomposite red-tldr abricate field3d libxcursor reg acl firefoxpwa libxdamage regipy acl2 fisher libxdmcp regula act fizz libxext reorder-python-imports actionlint flamebearer libxfixes reproc aerc flamegraph libxfont reshape age flank libxft revive aida-header flarectl libxi rgf airshare fleet-cli libxinerama rhit airspyhf flit libxkbfile rizin alda flow-cli libxls rm-improved alembic fluid-synth@2.1 libxml++@4 rmw alerter flux libxml++@5 roapi aliddns flyctl libxmu rollup all-repos fnlfmt libxp ronn alpscore fnm libxpm rosa-cli alsa-lib fnt libxrandr rospo amfora folderify libxrender rover amp font-util libxres rpg-cli ansible@2.9 foreman libxscrnsaver rpki-client ansilove forge libxshmfence rqlite apache-pulsar fortran-language-server libxt rsc_2fa apidoc fourmolu libxtst rslint apt fpart libxv rtl_433 arb fpdns libxvmc rtorrent archey4 fplll libxxf86dga rttr argo fprettify libxxf86vm ruby@2.7 argocd frum licensefinder ruby@3.0 argocd-autopilot fst lighthouse rune argocd-vault-plugin func-e lilypond rure arkade functionalplus lima rust-analyzer arrayfire fuse-overlayfs linode-cli rustfmt artillery fypp linux-headers@4.15 rustscan arturo g2o linux-headers@5.16 s2n as-tree gallery-dl linux-pam s4cmd ascii2binary gateway-go liqoctl sail asimov gau lit salt-lint asroute gcalcli litani saltwater asuka gcc@10 litecli samba asyncapi gcc@9 lizard-analyzer saml2aws at-spi2-atk gdu llvm@11 scalingo at-spi2-core gemgen llvm@12 scorecard athenacli geph4 lm-sensors scotch atkmm@2.28 ghc@8.8 localstack scry atlas ghc@9 locust sdl12-compat atmos ghcup logcli sdns atop ghostunnel logswan search-that-hash attr ghz loki seaweedfs atuin ghz-web lp_solve selene austin gi-docgen lsix semgrep autocannon git-branchless ltex-ls seqkit autoconf@2.69 git-cliff lttng-ust server-go autorestic git-credential-libsecret lua-language-server sevenzip avahi git-hooks-go lua@5.3 sextractor aws-auth git-hound luajit-openresty shadowsocks-rust aws-console git-svn luau shallow-backup aws-rotate-key git-xargs lunchy sheldon aws-sso-util gitbackup lunchy-go showkey aws-vault gitlab-ci-local lunzip shtools awsweeper gitlint luv sigrok-cli bandit gitql ly silicon bas55 gitui lychee simde bash-language-server gitwatch lziprecover simdjson bash_unit giza macchina singularity basis_universal glab macos-term-size six bat-extras glibc macos-trash skylighting bbtools gluon magic_enum sleef bgpq4 gnupg@2.2 mailcatcher slides biber go-boring mandown slirp4netns bioperl go-critic mapcidr smlpkg bit-git go@1.14 mapproxy smu bk go@1.15 marcli smug bkt go@1.16 mariadb@10.4 snap blaze go@1.17 mariadb@10.5 sniffer blogc goawk mariadb@10.6 snowpack bombadillo gocloc markdownlint-cli so bond gofish marked soapyrtlsdr boost@1.76 gofumpt marp-cli soapysdr borgbackup gojq mask solana bosh-cli golangci-lint massdns solargraph bottom gomodifytags mathlibtools solidity box2d googletest matplotplusplus sollya bpython gopass-jsonapi matterbridge sonic bpytop gopls maturin spaceship brev goplus mbedtls@2 spack brigade-cli goproxy mcfly spago brook gops md4c spdx-sbom-generator btop goredo mdzk spectra bubblewrap gosec melody spidermonkey@78 buildozer gost mermaid-cli spirv-llvm-translator buildpulse-test-reporter gostatic mesa-glu sponge bupstash gotests mhonarc spot bvm gotify microplane spotify-tui c7n gpg-tui microsocks spotifyd ca-certificates gping mimalloc sql-lint cadence gradle-profiler minisat sqlancer cadence-workflow gradle@6 mist sqlbench cadical grafana-agent mmtabbarview sqlc caire graphql-cli moar sqlfluff cairomm@1.14 graphqurl mockery sqlite-utils canfigger gravity mold sqlx-cli cargo-audit grepip mongocli sqsmover cargo-bloat grokj2k mongodb-atlas-cli sshs cargo-edit grokmirror mongosh standardese cargo-llvm-lines grpcui moto staticcheck cargo-outdated gst-plugins-rs mpdecimal statix cargo-watch gtkmm4 mrbayes storj-uplink carton gtksourceview5 msc-generator stp cassandra@3 gtop msgpack-cxx strace cassowary guile@2 mt32emu structurizr-cli castget gulp-cli mu-repo stylish-haskell cava h2c muffet stylua cbc h2spec multi-git-status subfinder cddlib halide multitime svgbob cdktf haruhi-dl murex swiftplantuml cdo hashlink mx symengine cfn-flip haskell-language-server naabu sysstat cfn-format hasura-cli name-that-hash systemd cgif hblock nanoflann t-rec cgl hcl2json nanorc tagref chalk-cli hdf5-mpi nbsdgames tailscale charge heksa ncc tarlz charmcraft heppdt2 ncnn taskwarrior-tui chars hexo ncspot tbb@2020 chart-testing highs neovim-qt tctl checkmake himalaya neovim-remote teku checkov htmlq nerdctl tendermint cherrytree htmltest nest termcolor choose-rust http-prompt net-tools terminalimageviewer chroma httpx netmask terminator chrony httpyac networkit terracognita chrpath hubble never terraform-ls cidr2range hurl newrelic-infra-agent terraform-lsp cilium-cli hy nfpm terraform-rover ciphey i2c-tools ngs terraform@0.12 clair i686-elf-binutils nickel terraform@0.13 clang-format@11 i686-elf-gcc nicotine-plus terrascan clang-format@8 iconsur node@14 testkube clarinet idris2 node@16 texlive clash ifacemaker nomino textidote clazy imap-backup notcurses tfk8s cli11 imath notmuch-mutt tfmigrate clickhouse-cpp immudb nox tfproviderlint clickhouse-odbc imposm3 ns-3 tfschema clip indicators nsh tfsec cloud-nuke influxdb-cli nuclei tfupdate cloudflare-quiche influxdb@1 numactl tgenv cloudflare-wrangler infracost numcpp thanos cloudflared inframap numdiff thrax cloudformation-cli inih nvchecker threemux cloudformation-guard inja oakc tidy-viewer cloudiscovery inko obfs4proxy tilt clusterctl inotify-tools observerward timg cmake-docs ioctl ocaml-zarith tm coconut iodine oci-cli tmuxp code-minimap ipinfo-cli odo-dev tomcat@9 code-server iproute2 oh-my-posh toml11 coin3d iputils oksh toot colfer iredis omake torchvision colima isa-l onedrive tracker commitizen isl@0.18 open-adventure trailscraper compiledb isort openalpr tre-command condure ivtools opendht trec_eval conftest java-service-wrapper openexr@2 tree-sitter conmon jdtls openfpgaloader trivy copier jello openfst trojan-go copilot jellyfish openj9 truffle coredns jerryscript openjdk@17 trunk corepack jimtcl openjdk@8 trzsz cortex jinx openliberty-jakartaee8 tsduck cosign jless openliberty-jakartaee9 tssh counterfeiter jobber openliberty-microprofile4 twty coursier joplin-cli openliberty-webprofile8 tz cpio jpdfbookmarks openliberty-webprofile9 uftrace cpm jpeg-xl openmama ugit cpplint jql openmodelica ugrep cpptoml jrsonnet opensearch umple cppzmq json5 opensearch-dashboards universal-ctags cpr jsonnet-bundler openssl@3 unum cpufetch jsonschema openstackclient uptoc cqlkit julia oq urlwatch crackpkcs juliaup or-tools usb.ids crane k2tf oras usbutils crcany k3sup orgalorg utf8cpp cri-tools k9s organize-tool util-macros crispy-doom kalker ormolu uutils-coreutils criterion kamel ory-hydra uutils-findutils croaring kcgi osc-cli uuu croc kdoctor osi v2ray cruft keptn osinfo-db vala-language-server crun kertish-dfs osinfo-db-tools vapor csview khiva osm vc csvtk ki osmcoastline vcpkg ctlptl kickstart ots vermin cubejs-cli klee overdrive vespa-cli cucumber-ruby kmod ox vgrep cue kn packetbeat viddy curlie ko packr vint cvs-fast-export koka pam-reattach virtualenv cwb3 kona pandoc-include-code virtualenvwrapper cyral-gimme-db-token kondo pandoc-plot vite dagger kopia pandocomatic vitess darglint kotlin-language-server parallel-hashmap viu dasel ksync pari-elldata vivid datafusion kube-linter pari-galdata vkectl datalad kube-score pari-galpol vlang datasette kubecm pari-seadata volk datree kubeconform pari-seadata-big vsearch dbdeployer kubekey parliament vsh ddcctl kubergrunt parquet-cli vtable-dumper ddcutil kubernetes-cli@1.22 payload-dumper-go vtk@8.2 delve kubescape pcalc vue-cli demumble kubeval pcp vulture detect-secrets kubevela pdf2djvu waffle device-mapper kubie pdftilecut wangle dgraph kyverno pdm wasm-pack difftastic lab periscope wasm-tools diskonaut ladspa-sdk pfetch wasmtime djhtml lanraragi pgxnclient wayland djl-serving lastz phive wayland-protocols dmagnetic latexindent php-cs-fixer@2 waypoint dnsprobe latino php@7.4 webhook dnsx lc0 php@8.0 webify doc8 ld-find-code-refs phpbrew webp-pixbuf-loader doctest ldpl pickle websocketpp docui leaf pillow weggli docuum leaf-proxy pinot werf dog leakcanary-shark pip-audit west dory lefthook pip-tools wgcf dosbox-staging lexbor pipgrip wildmidi dotbot libadwaita pkg-config-wrapper wllvm dotenv-linter libaec pkgconf wordle dotnet libaio pkger wownero dpp libavif plow wren dprint libbsd po4a wren-cli driftctl libcap pocsuite3 x86_64-elf-gdb drill libcap-ng podman xauth dsq libcouchbase@2 poppler-qt5 xbitmaps dstask libcython postgraphile xcb-proto dtm libdmx postgresql@12 xcb-util dua-cli libdrm postgresql@13 xcb-util-cursor duckdb libfontenc powerman-dockerize xcb-util-image duckscript libfs principalmapper xcb-util-keysyms duf libfuse procps xcb-util-renderutil dynaconf libfuse@2 proj@7 xcb-util-wm dynomite libgccjit projectm xcbeautify easeprobe libgnt prometheus-cpp xcinfo easy-rsa libgrape-lite promtail xcprojectlint ecflow-ui libhandy protoc-gen-go-grpc xdpyinfo efm-langserver libice protoc-gen-gogo xfig ehco libirecovery protoc-gen-gogofaster xinput eigenpy libmarpa psalm xkcd eksctl libmd ptpython xkeyboardconfig elan-init libmng pure xorgproto eleventy libmnl pwncat xorgrgb elfutils libmobi px xplr elixir-ls libnetfilter-queue py-spy xray elvis libnetworkit pydocstyle xsel empty libnfnetlink pyflow xterm enkits libnghttp2 pyoxidizer xtrans envoy libnsl pyqt-3d xxh enzyme libolm pyqt-builder yamale epinio liboqs pyqt-networkauth yaml-language-server epr libpciaccess pyright yh erlang@22 libpinyin pyside@2 yj erlang@23 libpipeline python-launcher ykdl erofs-utils libpqxx@6 python-tabulate youtube-dlc esbuild libprelude python-tk@3.10 youtubedr esphome libpthread-stubs python-tk@3.9 youtubeuploader etcd-cpp-apiv3 librasterlite2 python@3.10 yq@3 eva librespot python@3.7 yt-dlp evernote2md librist python@3.9 yubikey-agent f2 librttopo pythran z.lua f3d libseccomp pywhat zbctl fabric-installer libsigrok qodem zellij fann libsigrokdecode qrcp zenith fanyi libslirp qt-libiodbc zet fastfec libsm qt-mariadb zinit fastp libsoup@2 qt-mysql zk fastq-tools libtirpc qt-percona-server zlib-ng fava libtorrent-rakshasa qt-postgresql zoxide fb303 libunwind qt-unixodbc zsh-async fblog libva qthreads zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting fbthrift libvdpau quick-lint-js zsh-vi-mode fcp libvnc qwt-qt5 zsh-you-should-use fdroidcl libx11 rain fennel libxau range2cidr ==> Updated Formulae Updated 4834 formulae. ==> Renamed Formulae annie -> lux libsasl2 -> cyrus-sasl badtouch -> authoscope linux-headers -> linux-headers@4.4 elasticsearch@6.8 -> elasticsearch@6 minizip2 -> minizip-ng envoy@1.17 -> envoy@1.18 mkl-dnn -> onednn fcct -> butane mr2 -> zoro glibmm@2.64 -> glibmm@2.66 now-cli -> vercel-cli grakn -> typedb pangomm@2.42 -> pangomm@2.46 gst-validate -> gst-devtools parallelstl -> onedpl gtk+4 -> gtk4 prest -> prestd ht-rust -> xh prestosql -> trino interactive-rebase-tool -> git-interactive-rebase-tool pyqt5 -> pyqt@5 jfrog-cli-go -> jfrog-cli qt5 -> qt@5 kafkacat -> kcat richmd -> rich-cli kde-extra-cmake-modules -> extra-cmake-modules rt-audio -> rtaudio kde-karchive -> karchive selenium-server-standalone -> selenium-server kde-kdoctools -> kdoctools weboob -> woob kde-ki18n -> ki18n wxmac -> wxwidgets kde-threadweaver -> threadweaver wxmac@3.0 -> wxwidgets@3.0 kibana@6.8 -> kibana@6 ==> Deleted Formulae advancemenu elasticsearch@2.4 kakasi protobuf-swift amap elasticsearch@5.6 kibana@5.6 protobuf@3.7 ape erlang@20 komposition python appledoc es l-smash rawtoaces atlassian-cli eventlog libbind redsocks aurora-cli exomizer liberasurecode residualvm autopano-sift-c flasm libinfinity rmtrash avian fmsx libmill sdhash balance fondu libopendkim sflowtool bbcolors gconf libpuzzle shorten biogeme gcore libvbucket soundpipe boost-python geant4 llvm@6 srmio boost@1.55 gf-complete lumo stlviewer boost@1.57 git-hooks m2c svdlibc boost@1.59 git-sh magnetix swiftplate boost@1.60 giter8 makepp terraform-provisioner-ansible cargo-completion gnome-builder marathon-swift tj carina go@1.10 marst tomee-jax-rs colorsvn go@1.11 mboxgrep torrentcheck confluent-platform go@1.12 md udns contacts go@1.9 meson-internal unp64 crc gobby mozilla-addon-sdk unrar cryptopp godep mysql-connector-c++@1.1 unravel csv-fix gr-osmosdr namazu urbit curl-openssl griffon ocamlsdl vavrdiasm deis gstreamermm ori whitedb deisctl hardlink-osx osquery whohas dlite henplus pandoc-citeproc woboq_codebrowser dnsrend highlighting-kate path-extractor wpscan drip hornetq pdflib-lite xspin dshb httptunnel pgplot xtail dtrx i386-elf-grub pijul xu4 eject jerasure postmark zdelta Error: The following directories are not writable by your user: /usr/local/bin You should change the ownership of these directories to your user. sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/bin And make sure that your user has write permission. chmod u+w /usr/local/bin
$ sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/bin Password: $ chmod u+w /usr/local/bin
$ brew install direnv Error: homebrew-core is a shallow clone. To `brew update`, first run: git -C /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core fetch --unshallow This command may take a few minutes to run due to the large size of the repository. This restriction has been made on GitHub's request because updating shallow clones is an extremely expensive operation due to the tree layout and traffic of Homebrew/homebrew-core and Homebrew/homebrew-cask. We don't do this for you automatically to avoid repeatedly performing an expensive unshallow operation in CI systems (which should instead be fixed to not use shallow clones). Sorry for the inconvenience! ==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/direnv/manifests/2.31.0 ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/direnv/blobs/sha256:76e1669a3c6de7f3027fd42de855f8578875940ad9bc2c4bfe572233f4ec79ca ==> Downloading from https://pkg-containers.githubusercontent.com/ghcr1/blobs/sha256:76e1669a3c6de7f3027fd42de855f8578875940ad9bc2c4bfe572233f4ec ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Pouring direnv--2.31.0.monterey.bottle.tar.gz 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/direnv/2.31.0: 11 files, 9MB ==> `brew cleanup` has not been run in the last 30 days, running now... Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP. Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`). …
また、エラーが出ている。(homebrew-core is a shallow clone.)
$ git -C /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core fetch --unshallow remote: Enumerating objects: 471421, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (471412/471412), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (176161/176161), done. remote: Total 463043 (delta 289386), reused 457688 (delta 284039), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (463043/463043), 151.17 MiB | 1.40 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (289386/289386), completed with 4018 local objects. From https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core ff34638b32f..ca7fe9c434c master -> origin/master
$ brew install direnv Running `brew update --preinstall`... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core). ==> Updated Formulae Updated 183 formulae. Warning: direnv 2.31.0 is already installed and up-to-date. To reinstall 2.31.0, run: brew reinstall direnv